Tone and Form
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For the exercises on tone and form I had to observe light on surfaces. I found the area on the object which had the most intense reflection was from the primary light source. There were areas which did reflect light that was not as intense, however these were from a secondary reflected light source.
I did not find it difficult to distinguish between the two light sources. However I did have to look long and hard at the objects at the beginning before I realised that light was reflected on the object from a secondary reflected light source.
I have come to realise that light and shade effect our perception of the things around us. our surroundings are in a continuous state of change in relation to the intensity and direction of the primary light source and the position of objects around us in relation to us and each other. As a result shadows creep around us, forever changing in size, depth and shape. This allows us to perceive the world of shapes and objects that surround us. As said in the OCA drawing 1 manual 'a flat area will never be lit evenly'. Due to the changes in tone on all surfaces we come to realise their size, shape and form clearly.
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I am astounded that I had never realised the effect of light and shadow on the way we see the world. Everyone knows without light we can not see. However I have just understood that light not only gives us the ability to see our universe, but adds beauty to it so subtly that can easily go unnoticed. Can you imagine a world with out different light intensities and slight changes of these intensities on our surroundings, without shadows, either slight or so dark the depth of it seems mysterious and intriguing. A world where light did not cause changes of tone on all surfaces.
I thank God for light and the beauty it gives us. And I thank God that I can now see.