Still life of natural objects
A2 drawing of natural objects
For the still life of natural objects I feel I could have done a lot more preliminary work, practicing getting the tones right between objects. Furthermore I found it quite difficult to draw images of objects which were placed coming towards me.
A3 charcoal drawing
A3 painting with ink and pen
The larger drawings do give an accurate interpretation of the objects. However I feel I need to concentrate more on looking at the objects as a whole, rather than looking for individual detail.
When selecting my objects I began with lots of them. I took snapshots of arrangements with my camera and realised there were too many objects for a good still life. Thus I simplified the still life. I quite like my last arrangement.
I feel my drawings fit well on the paper. The major problem I had with my drawing was with trying to draw objects coming towards me. I feel I need a lot more practice on getting this right.
sketch book - ink pen
sketch book - pencil
sketch book - pine cone practice
sketch book - bark practice
 sketch book - pine cone with charcoal
Still life of made objects
I found drawing made objects much easier than that of natural objects. This was quite disappointing as I love natural objects and have been fascinated with them since I was a child. However made objects have a more regular shape and smooth textures, which make it easier to draw in comparison to the irregular, rough and detailed surface of natural objects.
A2 charcoal sketch
For my made objects still life I feel I did do enough preliminary work before drawing my final piece. The larger drawing gives an accurate picture of the still life composition. I had learnt from my drawings of natural objects not to put too much in the composition. Thus although I had a large amount of objects for my still life I was very selective about which to put together for my final piece.
I think the drawings fit well on the paper. They may work better on a larger sheet, however I would have to try it out and see. I didn’t really find any difficulties with my made objects composition, however I did find it easier to use charcoal on a large paper than I did when using it in my sketch book.
A2 charcoal sketch
A3 charcoal sketch
A2 - composition practice
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