Still Life

Still Life:
Check and log:

For this project on still life I have been experimenting with different compositions of man made and natural objects. I found that the man made objects I used had a lit of straight lines and box like shapes, and this helps when trying to suggest three dimensions. I didn't find any of the two particularly hard when trying to indicate three dimensional form, however the approach is different. For the man made objects three dimensions can be shown with just the directions of the line drawing. However for the natural objects more consideration has to be taken when thinking about how to shade the objects, as the light and dark areas of shade help with the suggestion of three dimensional form. 

To create a sense of solidity in my compositions, objects were places close to each other, but also on different planes, with some behind and some in front. Furthermore the way objects are shaded and the cast shadows play an important part in making objects look solid. For my man made objects there was not much variation in tones and contrast between the light and the dark areas and this resulted in them not looking as solid as my compositions of natural objects, as in my natural objects drawings there was a lot of variation in tone and contrast between the light and dark areas. 

How objects are placed in relation to one another is also very important in creating a sense of form. Objects that are placed behind are partially hidden from those in the foreground and this helps to give a look of solidity and perspective. Furthermore how objects impact upon others near to them, creating cast shadows or reflected light on them also plays an important part in the  suggestion of form. 

When  deciding how to place my self in relation to the objects, I chose to look at them from a slightly above view, as I felt this was the best way to see the impact of light and all the shadows made.